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Robotic Blasting Cell

Most common and versatile of all vibratory finishing styles of equipment.

Robotic Blasting Cell

Robotic blasting technology that is offered with fully customized blast systems, and robotic blast rooms. Empire takes their world class blast and recovery systems and integrates commercially available robots to them. These Robotic Blast Cells offer efficient, clean and quiet robotic blasting systems for peening and surface preparation applications.

Product Specifications

  • Offer automated blast clean, surface preparation and peening
  • Customized to blast your part
  • Blast Clean with repeatable results and finishes
  • Blast with recycled, mineral and metallic abrasives
  •  Partnered with various Robotic suppliers for seamless integration
  • Vision systems
  • IOT remote data collection and monitoring
  • Custom part fixturing
  • RFID/Barcode scanners
  • Laser scanners

Use Cases

  • Aerospace
  •  Energy
  •  Gas & Oil
  •  Military
  • Medical
  • Industrial 


  • Peening of aerospace parts
  • Automated surface preparation of firearm components
  • Blast cleaning of various medical devices and parts